Monday - Friday9AM - 5PM
OfficeLevel 14, 167 Eagle St - Brisbane QLD 4000
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Service Provider

myP3 have pre-qualified to be on the following panels used by hundreds of organisations to identify and engage preferred service providers and to run efficient and compliant sourcing processes.
Queensland Health
We are on the Qld Health Standing Offer Arrangement for P3 Assurance Services (ICT-9281).
New South Wales Government
We are the NSW Government ICT Services Scheme (SCM-0020).
Local Buy
We are the Local Buy prequalification arrangement for Recruitment Services Permanent Staff (BUS-259B) and ICT Solutions & Services (BUS-274).
Australian Government
We are on the Australian Government DTA (SON-3413842).
Northern Territory Government
We are on the Northern Territory Government Provisions of ICT Specialist Services (D19-0147).
Queensland Dept Housing and Public Works
We are on the Qld Department of Housing and Public Works PSP Temporary and Contracted Workers (GS-0060).

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Copyright © 2020 myP3 | All rights reserved